commercetools & Contentful

Enable the future of commerce with a modern tech stack built to deliver outstanding shopping experiences.
commercetools is Contentful Technology Partner of the Year, 2023 and 2024.
commercetools partner hero POY badge 2024

Limitless possibilities to build your shoppers journey

As two of the earliest members of the MACH® (Microservice-based, API-first, Cloud-native and Headless) Alliance, commercetools (a MACH Alliance founder) and Contentful (member since 2021), are helping 90+ brands like Bang & Olufsen, Danone, Swarovski, and Moonpig, realize the full potential of composable commerce with incremental transformation that proves immediate ROI along the way. 

Brands look to commercetools and Contentful to:

  • Build the most innovative tech stack logo

    Build the most innovative tech stack

    Join the wave of tools and agencies giving brands freedom and flexibility to continually evolve to meet changing business needs.

  • Deliver lighting-fast experiences logo

    Deliver lighting-fast experiences

    Move at the speed of customer demand while differentiating from the competition.

  • Maximize flexibility with a truly composable commerce and content solution logo

    Maximize flexibility with a truly composable commerce and content solution

    that can adapt to any channel, meet any need, and work for any team.

commercetools App

The commercetools app lets editors easily add a product and/or a product category directly from their commercetools account and reference it in Contentful entries. Products and categories can be previewed via the Contentful web app, simplifying workflows for content editors. This enables them to use the latest products and categories across retail sites and experiences.


Connecting commerce and content

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Structured Content
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