Profile picture for William Iommi

William Iommi

Italy based lead frontend developer at Syskoplan CX Reply. Passionate about photography, technology and a tv-series addicted.
Preview image for Share your content with Contentful and Telegram

Share your content with Contentful and Telegram

A custom app that lets you configure and send messages to your Telegram channels. Potentially, it can send your data to any platform since it leverages an external serverless function.

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Preview image for Hotspot Configurator

Hotspot Configurator

This custom app, enables the user to select a media from the gallery and let him defines a list of hotspots with a drag functionality.

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Preview image for How to YouTubing 🏄 in Contentful

How to YouTubing 🏄 in Contentful

A tiny Contentful App connected with Youtube Api. It lets you search and select a YouTube video with a nice preview in your Contentful Entry.

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Preview image for A Contentful App with Commerce.js

A Contentful App with Commerce.js

A Contentful App to query products and categories from Commerce.js. The app lets you store an URL that you can use as a link inside a specific content model.

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