Build a digital transformation strategy
The digital customer experience is the customer experience. Today, 58% of customer interactions are digital, according to McKinsey. To capture the growing business value of the digital age, companies need an effective digital transformation strategy or digital business roadmap. That's why it's important to be thoughtful about which digital initiatives your business strategy pursues. Whether it's trying new technologies that help with automation or building new products that tackle operational efficiency, start by considering where your organization is on the digital maturity scale and what needs to happen for it to be a truly digital-fast brand.

A new, digital world
Digital transformation
Digital transformation investments average three times more than IT spend.
Digital experiences
58% of customer interactions around the world are already digital.
Digital platform
By 2025, three out of four business leaders will leverage digital platforms to adapt to new markets and industries.

3 Steps for successful digital transformation
The builder ethos is a philosophy recognizing how outstanding digital experiences start with those who build them. Read on to see how you can ensure your business is not only supporting this mindset, but actively encouraging it.

Digital transformation starts with content