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Optimizely Feature Experimentation

App ∙ Developed by Optimizely

Note: This is an upgraded version of the Optimizely App, built to support Feature Experimentation, and backward compatible with existing Full Stack experiments. Please see the Migration Guide for assistance in moving from Full Stack to Feature Experimentation.

About the Optimizely Feature Experimentation app

Optimizely is a leading experimentation and feature-flagging platform. The Optimizely Feature Experimentation app offers a simple way to run experiments with content, helping you make smarter data-backed decisions. Marketers can optimize content, obtain better insights, and iterate continuously without leaving Contentful.


  • Run experiments using CMS content with minimal developer dependency
  • View up-to-date experiment variations in Contentful
  • Configure content to serve with each variation
  • Gain visibility into traffic distributions in Contentful


  • An Optimizely account with a Feature Experimentation or legacy Full Stack project


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