Content hub solutions for the enterprise

Content all over the place? Learn how Contentful’s content hub platform unifies disparate content sources for editors while reducing complexity and redundancy of multiple code bases. Gain control over your content: upload once, publish anywhere.

Trusted by the industry as a content hub

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One content hub to rule them all

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TELUS was the first to market with the iPhone X — Powered by Contentful

Our single-source content hub software features

  • Flexible Integration

    APIs, UI extensions and webhooks easily integrate with other systems.

  • Content Portability

    Uniquely flexible content modeling makes content portable and future proof.

  • Custom Governance

    Enterprise-grade governance, including custom roles and permissions, allows for full control of who accesses spaces and how they use them.

  • Consume Anywhere

    A content hub platform with a cohesive layer that can integrate multiple backends and systems, including homegrown solutions.

Content management should not be a bottleneck
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