
The Art and Science of Content

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What's inside

What do Disney, Procter & Gamble, Patagonia, and Redbull have in common? Besides being household names, these successful businesses grew, not just by expanding their offerings — but by building out entire brand story worlds, deepening their engagement with customers. 

These are just a few of the customer examples presented in, “The Art and Science of Content,” the companion downloadable to Contentful’s first-ever documentary, “The New Art of Storytelling.” This resource expands upon ideas presented in the film, showcasing why content is a brand’s most valuable asset and how composable content stretches that content further by structuring it for reuse and delivery to any number of digital touchpoints for maximum customer reach.

Key takeaways:

  • Find out how recognized brands scaled by building out new content over products

  • Discover the three pillars that hold up brand story worlds

  • Learn how composable content supports omnichannel storytelling while improving go-to-market speed and team creativity

Read the eBook
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