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Kameleoon is a secure, fast, and powerful web and server-side A/B/n testing and personalization platform. It's best designed for mid-sized to enterprise companies with existing optimization or personalization programs aiming to add a secure, feature-rich, and easy-to-use solution to their martech stack. Many companies also accelerate the impact of their A/B testing and personalization programs by bringing in Kameleoon.

Due to Kameleoon's emphasis on data security and privacy, and with no limitations on the number of variations, testing traffic size, targeting, segmentation, or KPIs, the platform is popular with e-commerce, financial services, healthcare, media, and travel companies .

Founded in 2012, Kameleoon was featured in Forrester's 2020 Q4 Wave for Experience Optimization Platforms report as a “challenger” to Optimizely, Adobe Target and legacy tools.

Headquartered in Paris, the company now has offices in New York, Vancouver, London, Berlin, Milan, Moscow and Bangkok - allowing it to offer “follow the sun” or round-the-clock customer support and services.

  • Personalization

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