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Android tutorials

Our Android CMS tutorials assist you through the first steps of using the Content Delivery API with a Java application. To learn more, explore how to use Contentful and GraphQL in Android to help customize your Contentful models.

Getting started with the Content Delivery API client library and Android

  • This tutorial assists you through the first steps using the Content Delivery API with a Java application.

Getting started with GraphQL Contentful API and Android

  • This tutorial explains how to use Contentful and GraphQL in Android.

Offline persistence with Vault on Android

  • Vault is an Android library that lets you define Java representations for your Contentful models and simplifies the persistence of data from Contentful via SQLite.

Type retrieval

  • This tutorial helps you understand how to filter fetching entries from Contentful based on content and asset types.

Filtering and searching

  • This tutorial shows how to filter, search and order entries fetched from Contentful.