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Contentful Bootstrap

This post will walk you through your first steps in using Contentful Bootstrap to get you jump-started in Contentful.

We will assume that you have basic knowledge of the command line interface and that you have basic understanding of Contentful and Ruby.

We will provide simple steps for doing the following tasks:

  • Setup your account from the command line
  • Create a space

Note: Creation of a space may result in additional charges if the free spaces available in your plan are exhausted.

  • Create and use templates for your spaces and entries
  • Using your bootstrap generated content
  • Generate templates from existing spaces
  • Generate API tokens


First, you need to install our contentful_bootstrap gem. You can do it either manually on the console:

$ gem install contentful_bootstrap

Or you can add it inside your Gemfile:

gem 'contentful_bootstrap'

Once in your Gemfile, running bundle install will install the gem and all its dependencies.

Using Contentful Bootstrap

Once you have contentful_bootstrap installed. You can check the following command:

$ contentful_bootstrap -h
Usage: contentful_bootstrap <command> <space_name> [options]

    Available commands are:

There you have all the available commands:

  • create_space
  • update_space
  • generate_json
  • generate_token

If you want to, and I leave this as an exercise to the reader, you can look for the help of each individual command.

We will now proceed to explain some of their use cases.

Creating an account via the command line

Whenever you run create_space or generate_token the program will check if you already have credentials for the Content Management API. If you don't have them, then you will be asked to create them.

A new browser window will be opened and will try to authenticate you in our login system. If you're not already authenticated, you will be prompted to log in or sign up.

After this, you will be requested permission to create an OAuth token for contentful_bootstrap to start creating your space and tokens.

Creating a space

The most basic use case for contentful_bootstrap is to create new test spaces.

A space is a container for your resources, called entries, and your resource definitions, called content types, and can be created by a simple command:

Note: Creation of a space may result in additional charges if the free spaces available in your plan are exhausted.

$ contentful_bootstrap create_space my_first_space

In this case, the space will be created empty, and you will be provided a URL to access it and manage it.

This simple command also triggers a few other things under the hood, and you will be prompted to decide on them. You will be offered whether to automatically create read-only API keys for our Content Delivery API, and also if you want to save your credentials in a ~/.contentfulrc file.

We highly recommend that you do both things as they are really useful, this will be explained in a later section.

The following is the full list of options available for the create_space command:

$ contentful_bootstrap create_space -h
Usage: create_space <space_name> [--template TEMPLATE_NAME] [--json-template JSON_PATH] [--locale LOCALE] [--mark-processed] [--config CONFIG_PATH]
    -t, --template TEMPLATE          Specify Template
                                     Available Templates: blog, catalogue, gallery
    -j, --json-template JSON_PATH    Specify JSON Template Path
    -l, --locale LOCALE              Set the Default Locale for the Space
                                     Defaults to 'en-US'
    -m, --mark-processed             Mark Processed Items on JSON Templates
    -c, --config CONFIG_PATH         Specify Configuration Path
    -q, --quiet                      Don't output to STDOUT
    -n, --no-publish                 Don't publish
    -h, --help                       Print this message

Using templates

When creating a space, in most cases you want to have it pre-populated with content. For that purpose, we offer the possibility to use pre-built templates or using JSON templates.

Pre-built templates

For the case of pre-built templates, we have:

  • blog
  • catalogue
  • gallery

Each of these templates come bundled with a few content types and entries.

They are useful for small demos, but do not allow any customization of the content model. We will cover custom templates in the next section.

To use the pre-built templates use the following command:

$ contentful_bootstrap create_space my_blog --template blog

You may replace blog for the other two templates.

JSON templates

The real power of contentful_bootstrap comes in the form of JSON templates. Using this tool along with JSON templates, you can store blueprints for your spaces.

A JSON template is a simplified representation of a space and all of its contents.

Here I'll show you a very simple example, containing a content type with just one symbol (short text) field and one entry:

  "version": 3,
  "content_types": {
    "id": "simple",
    "name": "Simple",
    "displayField": "myText",
    "fields": [
        "id": "myText",
        "name": "My Text",
        "type": "Symbol"
  "entries": {
    "simple": [
        "sys": {
          "id": "my_entry"
        "fields": {
          "myText": "some fancy text"
  "assets": []

After saving this template to a file named templates/simple.json you can call the bootstrap command as follows:

$ contentful_bootstrap create_space simple --json-template templates/simple.json

Using your Bootstrap generated content

Now that your content has been created, your tokens ready to use and saved into ~/.contentfulrc, we can start consuming it.

But first, let's dissect the contents of ~/.contentfulrc

CONTENTFUL_MANAGEMENT_ACCESS_TOKEN = 2a105ed1e85eabcabcabcccc123543bca2a22da3e2043087654e1facf31d84c507344

CONTENTFUL_DELIVERY_ACCESS_TOKEN = d65077d23de1bb749012345676bbc1fea5b00acbdef123d278f8ab7aa123eded
SPACE_ID = wbpasdkseprz

The content of this file is an .ini formatted file. You will find only one or multiple sections, depending on how many spaces you've created through contentful_bootstrap.

The [global] section will always be present and have only one key containing your CMA API key.

The following sections will be for each of your spaces, in the example shown above, you can find the [simple] space created in the previous section. Each space section contains two keys, the read-only CDA key and the space ID.

With this information, you can start using all your Contentful data.

Let's for example use the CDA Client with the newly generated space:

require 'contentful'
require 'inifile'

simple_config = IniFile.load(File.join(ENV['HOME'], '.contentfulrc'))['simple']

client = Contentful::Client.new(
  access_token: simple_config['CONTENTFUL_DELIVERY_ACCESS_TOKEN'],
  space: simple_config['SPACE_ID'],
  dynamic_entries: :auto

# => "some fancy text"

With this, you can now use your contentful_bootstrap generated data. If you want to use the Content Management API for managing your content, just make sure to use the CMA key as explained above.

Generating templates from existing spaces

There will be cases were you might want to make an export of your current space to have as a blueprint for several cases, for example:

  • Creating new testing or staging spaces
  • Creating a demo from existing data
  • Version control your content outside of Contentful

For those cases, you can use our generate_json command:

$ contentful_bootstrap generate_json -h
Usage: generate_json <space_id> <access_token> [--output-file OUTPUT_PATH]
    -t, --content-types-only         Only fetch Content Types
    -p, --use-preview                Use Preview API
    -i <ID_1>,<ID_2>,                Array of content type IDs to import
    -o, --output-file OUTPUT_PATH    Specify Output File
    -q, --quiet                      Don't output to STDOUT
    -h, --help                       Print this message

With this command, you can generate a JSON template of your live spaces, you can optionally automatically export it to a file.

All the files generated can be used as JSON templates in the create_space command.

Generating additional API tokens

There are many cases in which you might want to have separate API tokens for your space.

With contentful_bootstrap you can create additional tokens by running the following command:

$ contentful_bootstrap generate_token -h
Usage: generate_token <space_id> [--name TOKEN_NAME] [--config CONFIG_PATH]
    -n, --name TOKEN_NAME            Specify Token Name
    -c, --config CONFIG_PATH         Specify Configuration Path
    -q, --quiet                      Don't output to STDOUT
    -h, --help                       Print this message

Updating a space

Just like with creating a space, you can use JSON templates to update an already existing one.

You can do that as follows:

$ contentful_bootstrap update_space -h
Usage: update_space <space_id> --json-template JSON_PATH [--locale LOCALE] [--mark-processed] [--config CONFIG_PATH]
    -j, --json-template JSON_PATH    Specify JSON Template Path
    -l, --locale LOCALE              Set the Default Locale for the Space
                                     Defaults to 'en-US'
    -m, --mark-processed             Mark Processed Items on JSON Templates
    -T, --skip-content-types         Skip Content Types on Space update
    -c, --config CONFIG_PATH         Specify Configuration Path
    -n, --no-publish                 Don't publish
    -q, --quiet                      Don't output to STDOUT
    -h, --help                       Print this message


While not every field type is yet supported, you can automate a big part of your Contentful space creation using contentful_bootstrap. You can keep track of evolving content types and create complicated demo datasets via templates.

If you want to stay up to date or contribute in the development of contentful_bootstrap you can look in our GitHub Repository for the latest updates and releases. We're getting new feature updates regularly.

You should also check out how some of our demos use contentful_bootstrap for showcasing our static site generator integrations with Middleman and Jekyll.

Next steps

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