Granting permission to manage tags
Adding, deleting and renaming tags
By default, only space admins can access the Tags page and create, delete, and rename tags. You can also grant a permission to create and manage tags to non-admin roles.
To add a permission to create and manage tags to a role:
Navigate to the Settings tab and select Roles & permissions.
Go to the required role.
Click the triple-dot icon and select Edit.
Under the "Environments" tab, navigate to the section "Manage entities in master."
Click the "Tags" toggle to manage the permissions.

Assigning tags to entries and assets
You can restrict a certain user from adding tags to the content. The user will still be able to access and view the Tags tab in the entry or asset editor page, but won't be able to assign more tags.
NOTE: This option is only available if you have custom roles.
To restrict a user from adding tags to the content, update the user's role as follows:
Navigate to the Settings tab and select Roles & permissions.
Go to the role you would like to add or deny tag-based permissions.
Click the triple-dot icon and select Edit.
In the role editor page, navigate to the "Content" tab.
Click the New deny rule button.
Select Edit action from the actions drop-down.
Update the All fields and tags field to Tags.
Click Save to apply changes to the user's role.